
No matter how much you enjoy being single,

there will come a time that you wish to hold somebody else’s hand

while watching sunset at the beach.

You never thought it would happened, but it did.

So, you started praying for Mr. Right and realized that,

Yes! You are truly ready.




Mood swings

I read what I’ve felt

In the words that I’ve written

The mood that I felt.

Oozing positivism starting to disappear

Or maybe I just tried to hide.

I care less of what they think

Decided not to be on social

Maybe interested one will find a way,

Hopefully find me and my poetry

Unstable emotions I don’t why to rely

Can be blinding,

Smiles, laughters,

tears,  anger,

disappointments, indifference

All passing, mood swings.




Why do I cry easily?

Cleaning some notes on my phone and found this. So I thought of posting it here, where only a few personally know me. This helps me better understand and love myself, I hope this will help you too, I mean if we are on the same page.

Originally written on: February 8, 2016
Do you cry easily? Well I do and I know, I understand, I accept and I learn to love the feeling of it.
Back then I thought I was weak because I easily cry. but as I become mature, I dismiss the idea. I choose well what I believe and accept. Its not a sign of weakness for me anymore. When you cry easily your body is deeply connected to your soul. You have a genuine heart. Your intentions are pure. You’re empathetic. When the brain perceives something that relates to you in a deeper level, the subconscious mind reacts to it thereby producing tears. There are times you cant just stop it.

When you cry you release toxins, yes the all the negative feelings, hurts, regrets, worries, anxieties, confusions, are release in form of droplets of tears. It constitutes to the healing process of your body and soul. I’m a spiritual being ( we all are) that observes and feels, this was revealed to me so I’m sharing it in ways I know. I do not claim scientific evidences but I know its real and happening.
Cry when you feel like. For some it connotes weakness, well it depends. Weakness is just one side of it. It never was it all about. When was the last time you cried? How did you feel about after it? I believe when you hide the pain it gets back to you, our body is like a balloon that holds a certain amount of air that when you put too much into it, it will blow. Go on feel the pain in your tears, express it passively. You’d rather want tears than diseases don’t you? The amount of negative force in you will manifest through your body. So release it, cry healthily, do not overdo. The best time to cry is when you are alone, no hesitations no reservations, just you and your mind and body. Crying helps in the process of healing and solving the problem if you allow it to be.
For kids crying is just simply an expression of pain or disappointments. No wonder they do not bear grudges.
The tears of joy. When you are happy, so happy and so grateful your body cannot contain the joy it releases small watery tears, this is happiness express in most profound way. You can’t help it, its just too genuine it penetrates the soul. Tears of joy is an expression of gratefulness and fullness of grace.

Thanks for reading 🙂

All love



Heavy ♥

I saw him

I saw him with her

I don’t know what to think

I don’t know how to react

But I felt a little heavy

Heaviness in my heart

I was blank for a moment

Everything seems slow

There was sadness.


Why did it affect me like that?

This is going too much

I didn’t expect.

Question in my head

Maybe she is special to him

A girlfriend?

But do I care?

It’s difficult to answer.

Was it jealousy?

Or something else?











funny forget

The feeling 

I have been thinking

I have been writing

I have been believing

Dissolves like a snap

Its funny, in a funny way

Because my friends

Told me “He is gay”

Should I believe

Should I not

But I must admit

It disappoints me a lot.

When I think about it.

I laugh to myself.

So this is how

That foolishness stops. 

Forget it.



I missed the show, I could have seen you
In my mind, I wonder
Were your eyes searching mine?
Under the crowded Christmas lights

I am hoping, somehow you will like me too
And you're interested to know
Sometimes I ask myself, if you're thinking of me too
But I can’t think any reason why should you.

May destiny brings us together
You and me, our time 
Just walking, watching sunset
Talking, sweet dancing.

Romantic thoughts I keep
Written in this sacred space
I never thought of someone
Like I do, to you.

You are strange, good puzzling ways
You seldom smile, I wonder why
I whisper this feeling to the air
And pray you feel the same.

Oh funny, this difficulty I'm in
It's good but tiring
But I just want to thank you
For making my heart sparkle again.

You may never know 
All of this
But maybe one day
I'll tell you about it.


The feeling I hide

Torturing me inside

Spending time thinking

Losing sleep sometimes

I think of him, out of nowhere

Why? Silly!  I should stop, I told myself.

We share different beliefs.

But this feeling, I keep to myself.

This feeling I am hiding,

This feeling I can’t even accept.

This feeling I am now freeing.

Days go by, I haven’t seen him

So here I am writing

Maybe I miss him.